On Wed, Oct 16, 2002 at 11:45:51AM +1000, Ben Stanley wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been using wine cvs for a while now, and trying to run the
> Australian Tax Office's ETax2002 program for preparing tax returns. Up
> until yesterday, it would fail with an illegal memory access, but
> yesterday it started working! I have not identified which patch fixed
> it, but the program uses flat scroll bars and list (tree) views.
> I have now used the program to complete one (non-lodgement) tax return,
> and am part way through preparing another. The ETax2002.EXE program
> appears to work very well! 
> However, I am unable to utilise the on-line help, which is provided in
> winhlp format. When I try to run
> wine winhlp32.exe etax2002.hlp
> wine "C:\\Windows\\winhlp32.exe" \
> "C:\\Program Files\\etax2002\\etax2002.hlp"
> I get a message dialog saying
> Error while reading the help file 
> `"C:\Program Files\etax2002\etax2002.hlp"'
> The WINE help program then displays an empty window.
> So it looks like more work is needed upon the help file viewer, but I
> suppose this is on the todo list anyway. I am able to access the help
> using the printed material from the tax office, which is identical to
> what is in the help file.
Our builtin winhelp implementation is known to be far from perfect, indeed.

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