Dimitrie O. Paun wrote:

> On October 15, 2002 10:04 pm, David D. Hagood wrote:
> >What can I do to help on this? Would posting a debug message dump
> >showing the list items being inserted be of use?
> Yes, please send me a trace of:
>   --debugmsg +listview
> And if you can, screenshots with the said listview with
> it working, and not working....
OK, the files are here:


This file contains the following directory structure:
wine/working - captures from an earlier version of wine that works
wine/notworking - captures from the current (within a day or two) CVS

In each directory, there is a log file created with
wine --debugmsg +listview,+treeview

as well as 2 screen captures, one of the main application screen, and 
one of the "Along the way" dialog.

I tried to keep the interaction with the program identical in each case:
1) Launch program with the trip already defined.
2) Compute quickest route
3) <snapshot main screen>
4) Compute along the way
5) <snapshot along the way dialog>
6) Quit
7) "Do you want to save your changes" -> NO

The two runs were done on different machines (my laptop has the working 
version, and my main screen the non-working version), but the installed 
application is the same in both cases. I have pulled the Wine version 
from my laptop over to my main machine, but I don't have it installed 
right now, and I wanted to get this done before I went to work.

If there is anything else I can do, please let me know.

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