Jukka Heinonen,
> I have been thinking about interrupt handling in Wine
> because it needs some reworking in order to get DPMI32
> programs to work. I have formed a proposal for refactoring
> current interrupt handling code and I would like to
> get some comments about this scheme before I decide whether
> I want to work on it or not.
        As I understand this, what you are asking has been a design goal for some time
now.  Since the DOS section is where I stay when I submit patches, I would like
to volunteer what limited assistence I can.  This looks like something which
would benefit wine.  Making the whole system more modular allows for easier
modification of the whole project and gives us a potential for special
modules.  This will also help developers to find the code that they are looking
for.  I had a horrid time adding the FPU interrupts because I couldn't track
down where to attach the interrupts.
        God Bless,
                --Robert 'Admiral' Coeyman

May you live as long as you wish and age but a single day.
http://www.dotguy.net/                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webmaster/ Linux Administrator         Computer Co-Op/CornerNet

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