El jue, 07 de nov de 2002, a las 18:09, Sylvain Petreolle escribio:
> > >Excuse me if I feel scared, but is this Appdb or something else ??
> > 
> > No. It should be a group of applications tested by wine 
> > developers (or application mantainers) and what should work more 
> > or less flawless (without native dlls). It should be the screenshot 
> > section. 
> In this case Appdb is already there, and only needs a maintainer.
> No need to duplicate work.
> If you disagree, listen to what you wrote and compare it with Appdb
> contents... 

I have a different vision of Appdb actually, it is more a forum what
a real compatibility list. If you see entries like IE5.5 it will be
even funny:

<guy a> I run ie5.5 in my machine.
<guy b> It doesn't work for me in Redhat 7.2
<guy c> You suck, mozilla is better than ie5.5
<guy d> ie5.5 is better because ....

In Appdb is mixed different versions of wine (the difficult is find
2 entries for one same application with the same version ;), and
it includes info about native DLLs.

This page should be a, hmmm ..., "marketing" page, it should show
to the users that wine works (yeah for some apps only), without tricks
or native dlls.

It should include a list of 20/30 applications what the user only
need download/install wine, download the application setup,
install and cool!!!! it works :)

It should be prepared by release date, and it shouldn't be modify,
except that wine develop will get separated in 2 tree, stable/unstable,
then it should be checked for every stable version.

Really the binary version what was used to check this applications 
should be in download section.

I don't think that the list should increase in number anytime. 
If wine should run every day better applications, this applications
should replace to some simple from the original list.


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