Vincent Béron wrote:

Tony Lambregts a écrit:

I have been fighting with trying to get your sample built on my system. The end point for me seems to be that in order to use your faq.dsl I need docbook DTD 4.2. RedHat 7.2 has Docbook 3.0 through 4.1 but 4.1 just does not cut it.

jade:../faq.dsl:50:24:E: reference to undefined variable "$generate-article-lot-list$"

The sgml tools site has only 3.0/2

So I feel very THICK and ned some enlightenment on what direction to take either.

1) It seems pointless to rely on something (docBook 4.2 DTD) that is difficult to get, so no one will use it so, no one will maintain the FAQ.

Silly me, not thinking about others. It runs fine with docbook 3.1 (modify the doctype at top of wine-faq.sgml) if you remove the articleinfo pair (but you can keep the title).

2) I am THICK and I it will be quickly apparent what I should do once I have more informatioin.

You're NOT thick! It's just that I do things here (on my machine), and I don't always check if it would work on other machines.


When I made the suggested changes I still get the same error...

[tony@tony documentation]$ db2html -d ../faq.dsl wine-faq.sgml
output is wine-faq
Using catalogs: /etc/sgml/
Using stylesheet: ../faq.dsl
Working on: /usr/local/src/wine/documentation/wine-faq.sgml
jade:../faq.dsl:50:24:E: reference to undefined variable "$generate-article-lot-list$"

No ouput....


Tony Lambregts

<!--doctype article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.2//EN" [-->
<!doctype article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [

<!-- *** Include list of authors *** -->
<!entity % authors SYSTEM "authors.ent">

<!entity faq-section-0 SYSTEM "faq-0.sgml">
<!entity faq-section-1 SYSTEM "faq-1.sgml">
<!entity faq-section-2 SYSTEM "faq-2.sgml">

<article id="index">
   <title>Wine FAQ</title>



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