On Thu, 2002-11-21 at 11:13, Aric Stewart wrote:
> Yeah it is sort of amazing.
> I have a test program under windows if you would like to see the Visual 
> studio project. It has _UNICODE defined in the project, I create a main 
> window with CreateWindowW Inside that window i do a DialogBoxW. That 
> dialog box has a listview which is OWNERDATA.
> I look at WM_NOTIFYFORMAT and trace and return what is returned by 
> DefWindowProc (which conforms to wine and the docs by returning NFR_UNICODE)
> then watching the notifies come in when i SetItemCount i see only the A 
> GetDispInfo notify..
> i tried all sorts of variations on the W and A creations to see if i saw 
> any difference and I did not.
> Also this patch fixes the bug in Outlook...
> -aric


Do you think that this patch will fix my treeview problem(s)?  Or should
the same sort of thing be done to treeview as a test to see if it will?


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