Hi all,

I just found out that the version I posted on the web was an old one. Some of the bugs there were purely visual, but there is a serious problem with the shared memory creation there that causes it not to work on Windows 98. Since I also have the new version, I have updated the link with the new version.

My appologies.


As before, treat this as a GPL program.


Shachar Shemesh wrote:

I sent Alexandre the App privately. I originally wanted to CC the list (the app can be distributed under either GPL or LGPL), but the mail was rejected. I would hereby like to appologize for trying to attach more than the set limit of 40Kb of a zip file to the list. My appologies.

In leu of such atrocities which I would not like to commit, and I would like to thank the moderator for stopping that mail, I have placed on a web site, and am hereby making both source and a compiled binary available in a zip file (no wonder it was more than 40Kb, what was I thinking trying to send it to the list) at http://www.consumer.org.il/personal/xeyes.zip.

D/L size is 49Kb.


Alexandre Julliard wrote:

Shachar Shemesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

So you mean to say that my windows X-Eyes implementation won't work on
WINE????? Damn.

Anyone knows of any Unix port of that program?


No, wait. I'm using a mouse hook. Maybe it'll work after all.

At this point probably not, but if you could send me that app I'd be
interested to play with it.

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