>>>>> "Christian" == Christian Kristukat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Christian> Hi, I suspect that this again is a dirty patch but it helps
    Christian> in working with Microcal Origin. Maybe a more skilled person
    Christian> than me finds the real origin of this problem.  At one point
    Christian> in the program a popup menu opens but only the items' width
    Christian> is calculated correctly, the height is not, in fact it is
    Christian> equal zero. For that case I added an arbitrarily chosen
    Christian> height of 12 points and it works fine.  Here's the patch:

    Christian> lpitem->rect.bottom += 12; +

Nagic constants mostly are evil? It the "12" perhaps related to some


    Christian> PS: By the way: every cvs operation (update, diff) hangs
    Christian> after processing the last directory. However it seems to be
    Christian> complete and pressing CTRL-C seems not to corrupt
    Christian> anything. Any ideas?

Are you using rhlx01.fht-esslingen.de? Andi works on that problem then.


Uwe Bonnes                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Institut fuer Kernphysik  Schlossgartenstrasse 9  64289 Darmstadt
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