have you thought about xml?


On Fri, Feb 14, 2003 at 10:09:37PM +0100, Gerhard W. Gruber wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Feb 2003 12:59:50 -0800, Dan Kegel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I can't but think that MySQL is way overkill.
> Tha'ts true if you have to install it for just that purpose. Otherwise it is a
> rather convenient way to handle this data and you don't have to write some
> script for the queries. :)
> >Let's define the queries we want to do, and see if awk isn't
> >up to them :-)  It probably is, and it's far easier to
> I don't think that you can't handle it with a script. :) And I also see the
> point of users not wanting to install MySQL for such a small task. :)
> >set up than MySQL.  Those who can't think in anything but SQL
> >really should try learning the traditional unix programmer's
> >workbench tools for relational database processing.
> I have no problem with either. If it is in MySQL I can handle it and if it is
> a flat file in an organized manner I can also handle it. I have written enough
> shell scripts so I don't see any problem for that.
> -- 
> Gerhard Gruber
> F?r jedes menschliche Problem gibt es immer eine einfache L?sung:
> Klar, einleuchtend und falsch. (Henry Louis Mencken)

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