On February 25, 2003 06:50 am, Jaco Greeff wrote:
> Alive and kicking. 

Cool -- long time, no see!

> [...] having a new small dog things just drops on the floor.*sigh*

Yeah, I know, it happens when they are small :)))

> Add some HW troubles to this and I'll need to see where I am at this point.
> (I just damn well hope I have recent backups...) Well, I know my Win2K
> install is borked, along with my MDK 9.0 install (9.1RC1 seems fine but
> won't do for wine) been too scared to look for data that might have gone
> missing...

Ugh! That's why it's better to submit what you have early, and let WineHQ
mirror it. Remember:

"Only wimps use tape backup: real men just upload their important stuff 
on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it ;)"

-- Linus Torvalds, after his hard disk failed 



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