> I put a messagebox in OnKeyUp() to tell me what nChar it's getting.
> It enters OnKeyUp() for every function key except F6.  If I hold
> down the control key, then it also get's F6 and it get's it with the right
> key code, 117.  Could Gnome be trapping that key for something?

Yes, that's possible. Like I said, use the channels Luke!

wine --debugmsg +keyboard foo.exe

then watch what is printed when you hit a key. If nothing appears when
you press F6, probably the window manager is eating it before it gets to
wine (try running it in a different setup to test that theory).

> Other than that, I put up a new version today, 2.01c, that works
> pretty well under WINE except for this F6 issue and that the
> RoboHelp system does't work yet.
> --Mike

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