Ofcourse I tried to fix the internal function, wasn't fully awake when I wrote 
this mail ;)

With your improved patch the game works too. Mafia itself works fine as long 
as w-buffering is disabled in the game's setup program else the game looks 
horrible (lots of texture problems, depth problems ..). The other smaller 
problems less are not d3d8 related I think. When trying to quit the game or 
the tutorial it launches winedbg...

Try the Mafia demo too ;)


On Friday 06 June 2003 19:33, Raphaël Junqueira wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> > Hi all,
> Hi,
> > This patch fixes a problem that appeared in Mafia.
> how mafia works ? ;)))
> > Before this function
> > crashed when pDirtyRect was null. According to MSDN D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
> > should be returned in case of problems.
> Well,
> this is not really the good way to fix the problem (as the surface isn't
> dirtified)
> IDirect3DSurface8Impl_AddDirtyRect is an internal function (as seen in
> d3d8_provate.h declaration) so i cannot see where you have found the msdn
> docs ;)
> I think you wanted to fix a crash who happened in some
> IDirect3D*TextureImpl_AddDirty* call no ?
> if yes, can you try this patch instead ?
> > Regards,
> > Roderick Colenbrander
> Thanks,
> Raphael
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