On Tue, 2003-06-17 at 20:07, Duane Clark wrote:
> > Just noticed that!
> > 2 *important* bugs for me 1160 & 1165 are missing any comments.
> > 1165 in particular, contained some useful debugging info ... I suppose 
> > it's a good thing that it seems to be resolved in the current CVS!
> > Any ideas?
> Well, most all the bugs and comments after Apr 2002 should be archived 
> on news.gmane.org. That includes new bugs starting about bug 565. It is 
> a lot easier to browse with gmane than the winehq archives (select all 
> articles and sort by subject). However, gmane doesn't archive the 
> attachments.

Those bug descriptions are gone. I thought I had a recent backup of
them. I thought wrong. The last good backup I have is from Aug 2000. It
was in daily rotation after that. Whatever caused them to dissapear,
happened 2 weeks before anyone even noticed. All two weeks of my tape
rotations have those bugs missing.

Jeremy Newman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CodeWeavers, Inc.

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