Ulrich Czekalla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> X11DRV_AcquireClipboard can be called with NULL
>> hWndClipWindow (as documented on MSDN).  The above hack
>> came over it without introducing new global state, but
>> clearly is not right.  Worked for me, though.
> Yes I noticed this as well. What we do in other areas is
> use GetActiveWindow() if hWndClipWindow == 0. I have
> something like this in my tree. I'll submit a patch soon.

Although being much simpler, it probably has the same
problem, I am afraid.  MSDN:

    If an application calls OpenClipboard with hwnd set to
    NULL, EmptyClipboard sets the clipboard owner to NULL;
    this causes SetClipboardData to fail.

But my application does not depend on this (and I am not
sure I understand who would), so the fix would help.

Thanks a lot,

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