On Wednesday 23 July 2003 06:17 am, Mike Hearn wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-07-23 at 11:15, Michael Stefaniuc wrote:
> > If
> > yes then the gcc is probably throwing the variable away. Did you tried
> > to compile it with -O0 or just put a "volatile" in front of it:
> > volatile REFIID riid = NULL;
> I tried using volatile, no cigar.

Mike, somehow in this thread, I have lost track of the basic parameters of 
your situation...  could you remind us of the precise context in which your 
code is being compiled and run?  I.e.: is this in a wine dll, a standalone 
exe, inside or outside the wine source tree, how is your code invoked, etc?  
Not that I expect such information will enable me to solve your problem :P  
But obviously it behooves us to at least determine when and where this 
problem is manifest, so that we may avoid it or that Alexandre may fix it ;)

"...he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." 
  - Jesus Christ, Luke 22:36


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