There is no code yet on this site but I would take this guy at his word as he is the 
one that
developed the Private ICE debugger for Linux. One of our developers with the ReactOS 
ported PICE to ReactOS so we could debug drivers. Well now it seems he has decided to 
try and
implement support for Windows Video drivers on Linux.


"I'd also like to announce the start of a new project called "MSCGDI" (Microsoft 
Graphics Device Interface). The project's goal is to write an emulation layer that 
makes it
possible to install Windows native display drivers on Linux running an Xserver. I have 
started to code a kernel  module that serves as the wrapper around display driver and 
emulating the Win32k.sys and VideoPrt.sys API. So far I have a been able to bring up 
VGA.SYS from Windows 2000 Professional and use it to draw some basic stuff on a VGA 
based adapter.

If someone is interested in supporting development of any of those projects, please 
write to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] I will put up a project website in the next couple of days on which I
will offer some basic demonstration of that idea."

This sounds interesting.


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