--- "Dimitrie O. Paun" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think forking them does no one no favours, either Wine for ReactOS.
> If our code is OK, tweaking it to work around bugs in ReactOS is a
> very, very bad idea:
>   -- you end up with a system capable of running just some tweaked
> apps
>   -- it diminishes incentive to fix the real problem
>   -- we end up with a forked codebase
> Similarly, if we have problems in our codebase, we'd appreciate
> fixes,
> or at least to know about it. This is the entire reason to want our
> stuff to be portable -- to have other people test the code and report
> (or even fix) problems. If you fork the code, you also cut the stream
> of patches flowing into Wine.
> In the end we both lose. Even if you don't care about Wine, I can't
> see
> how forking anything is a good idea for ReactOS.

Dont get me wrong I dont think it is either. I just dont make the
policy as to how we are going to handle this in ReactOS. I am all for
us working together as much as possible with little or no forking but
its going to take some work to setup a system that will work for both

I will start by setting up a box that does weekly builds for


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