--- "Gregory M. Turner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is a certain logic to this arrangement imo... who wants some
> wacky 
> "explorer.exe" if they are simply thumbing through the kde or gnome
> menus?  
> Not that I disapprove of ros explorer, quite the contrary!  ros
> explorer 
> approximates the behavior of windows explorer, which wine needs for a
> number 
> of reasons, not the least of which is that it's an integral part of
> the OS... 
> whereas I think Robert van Herk means to create a bridge or portal
> allowing 
> native frameworks like gnome to integrate the wine menus into their
> own...   

Your right Greg. I for one want to be able to run KDE or GNOME and
still have my WINE applications integrate cleanly. We do need some sort
of a bridge on the Unix side for the Window manager. Any such interface
that is developed needs to be a external application that sits in the
middle of WINE and the WM. Any such application need to use the
interfaces provided by shell32 and the shell namespace. I am thinking
like SGI file access notification program they wrote that is used in
natulas. libFAM isnt it? 

Also this application cant rob CodeWeavers of too much money. =)

> Correct me if I have this all wrong of course :P  But if that's the
> case then 
> it's a different animal from ros explorer, and imo a worthwhile
> effort.

Right. The ReactOS explorer is a very limited purpose application. If I
was going to be running nothing but Windows applications I could see
how it might be of use to me under Linux. I dont know if the "Desktop"
option still exists in WINE but it would be nice to have ros-explorer
when running WINE in desktop mode under Linux. The I could just run all
of my Win32 apps from one place.


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