
I finally produced the "official patch" after
verifying that everything is OK.
Thanks to Dimi for putting up a temporary diff for me
meanwhile ;)

This patch has been inlined as well as attached as a
ZIP file, so suit yourself.

All reports regaring this patch is to be sent to
<subhobrotosinha at yahoo.com> with a proper subject
prefixed by "IPersistFile patch" in the subject

For the uninitiated, here's what has to be done:

Please make sure that you have the 20031016 source
(latest tarball)

(1)Copy this .diff to dlls/shell32/
(2)Run 'patch' on this diff file
(3)It should patch "shelllink.c"
(4)Type 'make' to rebuild 'shell32.dll.so'
(5)'su' out and overwrite/symlink the current
'shell32.dll.so' over the installed one

Now IPersistFile::Load() should work as intended. Try
out McCormack's 'winemenubuilder' or my WineLib
'linkresolve' (NOT my C++ version)

If the diff is not proper, etc, please alert me at the
mentioned address

BTW: If I should have submitted at 'wine-patches'
rather at 'wine-devel', please let me know :=)
I really want this BUG fixed you know ;-)


Subhobroto Sinha

--- shelllink.c.original        2003-10-22 17:56:31.000000000
+++ shelllink.c 2003-10-24 13:09:59.000000000 +0530
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *   Nearly complete informations about the binary
+ *   Nearly complete informations about the binary
  *   of .lnk files avaiable at http://www.wotsit.org
@@ -401,9 +401,49 @@
        return S_OK;
+static HRESULT wineStream_LoadString( IStream* stm,
LPWSTR *pstr )
+    DWORD count=0;
+    USHORT len;
+    LPWSTR str=NULL;
+    HRESULT r;
+    /*
+    From Win98 upwards unicode==TRUE.(Atleast for
+    However, the value of SCF_UNICODE does NOT seem
to be 0x1000.
+    Until then, we assume it true.
+    Anybody differing mail to <subhobrotosinha at
+    */
+    TRACE("%p\n", stm);
+    r = IStream_Read(stm, &len, sizeof(len), &count);
+    if(FAILED(r)||(count != sizeof(len))) return
+    len *= sizeof(WCHAR);
+    TRACE("reading %d\n", len);
+    str = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0,
+    if(!str) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
+    count = 0;
+    r = IStream_Read(stm, str, len, &count);
+    if( FAILED(r)||( count!=len) )
+    {
+        HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, str );
+        return E_FAIL;
+    }
+    TRACE("read %s\n", debugstr_w(str));
+    str[count/2]=0;
+    *pstr = str;
+    return S_OK;
 static HRESULT Stream_LoadString( IStream* stm, BOOL
unicode, LPWSTR *pstr )
+/*This is the original function short circuited to
the above till we find out correct 'SCF_UNICODE'.
+Now it's assumed that the data's unicode. (This
assumption failes iff the OS was <=Win95*/
+return (wineStream_LoadString(stm,pstr));
+#if 0
     DWORD count;
     USHORT len;
     LPVOID temp;
@@ -453,6 +493,7 @@
     *pstr = str;
     return S_OK;
 static HRESULT Stream_LoadLocation( IStream* stm )
@@ -533,6 +574,27 @@
         if( FAILED( r ) )
             return r;
+    /*Fill in the target path. This marked portion
will be rewritten once GetPathFromIDList() is
+    LPITEMIDLIST pidltemp=ILGetNext(This->pPidl);
+    char
+    int i=0,j=1;
+    do
+    {
+        pidltemp=ILGetNext(pidltemp);
+    }while(pidltemp->mkid.cb);
+    strcpy(szTemp,szPasha[0]);
+    for(;j<i;j++)
+    {
+        strcat(szTemp,szPasha[j]);
+        if(j!=(i-1))strcat(szTemp,"\\");
+    }
+    strcat(szTemp,szPasha[j]);
+    This->sPath=HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(),
+    TRACE("%s\n",szTemp);
+    /*End marking*/
     This->wHotKey = hdr.wHotKey;
     This->iIcoNdx = hdr.nIcon;
     FileTimeToSystemTime (&hdr.Time1, &This->time1);

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