Jérôme Bouat wrote:
use GnomeMeeting:


Time for me to get into trouble again :)

This guy ask if we could help him to get a win
app that he uses "Netmeeting" in this case to work with
the vine "wine" but instead of help he got use this... as its native to linux!

People........ Wine is for Win apps!! I know there are many native apps that will
replace win apps, fulfill your needs but...... WTF is this project about??????? running win apps on linux??
Not you should use this or that app in its place, but you should use what your
comfortable with.. what you spent your hard earned money on.. *.* app
Ive for one have used mIRC since there 1.0 days..... anyone here remember when that was?
but im sure there are people who would say XChat is better.. but guess what ......
I dont give a shit!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to use what I like, what im use to, what i spent my $20.00 on...

Wine is not to suggest native linux apps to its users, but to build
a app so WIN users can see what a real OS is, and at the same time use what there use to, what they have spent
there hard earned &@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@= (GD-F&ck^ing) money on. And if they find/run across a native app that
fills there needs then they can make the switch on there own good time!!!!!!! Not use this as its better..
as there going to think it sucks at first anyway.......

I remimber the days when people ask if Linux would really make a dent as a server OS.. If it would come and go,..
now we all know Linux is great as a server OS .. its for the most part the #1 OS when it comes to servers..

The Question now is will Linux be the next DeskTop OS of choice??
I believe it will be, as native apps close one side of the gap and WINE closes
the other side.. Its all just a matter of time....... So if your a developer, user, lurker don't cut our end short
Wine has a role to play in all this.......Remember boys and girls this is our soap opera, ..... the OS wars..
But guess what the OS war is over as we have won, now its down to the apps/desktop..... So if Joe Blow
wants to use his native app we should say great here is the fix,, ill look,, ill try,, as we know he is using
unix/wine and in the end after they, him , her, learn about OSS........ they will never look back!

So to sum this rant up.....

In the future dont say use what I use, but help them use what there use to and Wine will fulfill
its goal.......

Just my $.02


Le lun 17/11/2003 à 09:37, David Martinez Prado a écrit :

Hi all!
i am, trying to run netmeeting under Wine. i installed wine with the default windows partition. Then, i execute netmeeting installer and crashed. i am working on RH7.2. Can anyone help me?

thank you very much.

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