Title: Re: Problem with code in WWN 214

> WWN 214 contains some sample code and in my browser I see:
> There are two things that are wrong:
> * The #include statements are incomplete. That's because the HTML looks
> like this:

Yeah, that's just a problem with the server side stuff.  Newman -
do you happen to know why?  Seems like an XML parser thing.

> '<br></br>' results in two line feeds eventhough that may be a bug in

There should not be a <br></br>... the real tag is <br /> which is
both XML and HTML compliant.  <pre> is an evil tag if you use CSS,
it should never be used on WineHQ. 

This does bring up a good point, <code> displays weird on WineHQ,
compare it to how Zack does it:

I think the problem is for two reasons:

1) There's no CSS definition for BR.  There should be and maybe it
should look something like:  { margin-bottom: 3px; margin-top: 3px }
Likewise, I tend to use <ul> for doing indenting and it needs to
have less whitespace above and below.  Or, maybe <dl> could be
changed and I can abuse that instead.
2) That particular instance has some markup problems, I put in a
couple of extra <br /> tags in a few places.  Corollary to Linus'
feelings on backups: Proofreading is for wimps. Real men publish
their writing to a news site and have everyone else spellcheck it.

(Although, you'll notice since Newman set me up with CVS acces I
do tend to do a quick once over after committing it and then fix
obvious mistakes.  If you have any scripts that automate this I
should be able to easily automate it into the existing publishing
system I have.  XML doesn't lend itself to spellchecking too easily,
so I've never pursued it.)

Brian Vincent
Copper Mountain Telecom

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