Hi Brian,

A few more thoughts on the multiple publisher idea,
and what we need to do on the server side.

So, let's assume we have a number publishers out
there. On server side we need to:
  1. Maintain a pool of published winetest.exe's
  2. Implement policy to serve from that pool (on a poll even)

1. The pool

The pool will have to be maintained in a persistent manner
to survive server reboots. It needs to get saved in a file.
It should be managed as such:
  When a publish event happen we do:
    - check that the publisher id exists in publishers.txt file (1)
    - reject the event if not
    - check that it's really the publisher who publishes (2)
    - reject if not
    - check that the new BUILD_ID is >= than the current BUILD_ID
    - reject if not
    - if greater, reset the pool
    - add the published test to the pool
    - return 'OK'

  (1) I suggest this format for publishers.txt
  (2) We need to check that someone doesn't want to polute the pool.
      I suggest checking for the existance of:

2. The Policy

The sky's the limit. For now, we can just pick one at random
from the pool.


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