Hi Alexandre,

Welcome back! I did this last Friday, but I didn't want to continue
before running it by you. I'm sending here just the first cut of the
definitions I needed to duplicate in msvcrt.h, to compile the entire
msvcrt DLL without the MSVCRT() define in the public headers.

Looking at the changes it seems to me:
  1. There aren't that many
  2. We can easily add a test file to check for consistency
     with the public headers (ideally, this file would be
     automatically generated by a script)
  3. We should be able to actually drop some of them, this
     is just the first cut, and I've tried to keep the
     number of changes to the source code to a minimum.

Should I carry on?


Index: dlls/msvcrt/msvcrt.h
RCS file: /var/cvs/wine/dlls/msvcrt/msvcrt.h,v
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -u -r1.25 msvcrt.h
--- dlls/msvcrt/msvcrt.h        16 Mar 2004 19:17:11 -0000      1.25
+++ dlls/msvcrt/msvcrt.h        4 Jun 2004 23:05:05 -0000
@@ -28,8 +28,27 @@
 #include "winerror.h"
 #include "winnls.h"
-#include "msvcrt/string.h"
-#include "msvcrt/eh.h"
+typedef unsigned short MSVCRT_wchar_t;
+typedef unsigned short MSVCRT_wint_t;
+typedef unsigned short MSVCRT_wctype_t;
+typedef unsigned short MSVCRT__ino_t;
+typedef unsigned long  MSVCRT__fsize_t;
+typedef unsigned int   MSVCRT_size_t;
+typedef unsigned int   MSVCRT__dev_t;
+typedef int  MSVCRT__off_t;
+typedef long MSVCRT_clock_t;
+typedef long MSVCRT_time_t;
+typedef long MSVCRT_fpos_t;
+typedef void (*terminate_handler)();
+typedef void (*terminate_function)();
+typedef void (*unexpected_handler)();
+typedef void (*unexpected_function)();
+typedef void (*_se_translator_function)(unsigned int code, struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS 
+typedef void (*_beginthread_start_routine_t)(void *);
+typedef unsigned int (__stdcall *_beginthreadex_start_routine_t)(void *);
+typedef int (*MSVCRT__onexit_t)(void);
 /* TLS data */
 extern DWORD MSVCRT_tls_index;
@@ -123,4 +142,363 @@
 #define _RT_CRNL        252
 #define _RT_BANNER      255
+struct MSVCRT_tm {
+    int tm_sec;
+    int tm_min;
+    int tm_hour;
+    int tm_mday;
+    int tm_mon;
+    int tm_year;
+    int tm_wday;
+    int tm_yday;
+    int tm_isdst;
+struct _timeb
+    MSVCRT_time_t  time;
+    unsigned short millitm;
+    short          timezone;
+    short          dstflag;
+typedef struct MSVCRT_iobuf
+  char* _ptr;
+  int   _cnt;
+  char* _base;
+  int   _flag;
+  int   _file;
+  int   _charbuf;
+  int   _bufsiz;
+  char* _tmpfname;
+struct MSVCRT_lconv
+    char* decimal_point;
+    char* thousands_sep;
+    char* grouping;
+    char* int_curr_symbol;
+    char* currency_symbol;
+    char* mon_decimal_point;
+    char* mon_thousands_sep;
+    char* mon_grouping;
+    char* positive_sign;
+    char* negative_sign;
+    char int_frac_digits;
+    char frac_digits;
+    char p_cs_precedes;
+    char p_sep_by_space;
+    char n_cs_precedes;
+    char n_sep_by_space;
+    char p_sign_posn;
+    char n_sign_posn;
+struct MSVCRT__exception
+  int     type;
+  char    *name;
+  double  arg1;
+  double  arg2;
+  double  retval;
+struct MSVCRT__complex
+  double x;      /* Real part */
+  double y;      /* Imaginary part */
+typedef struct _heapinfo
+  int*           _pentry;
+  MSVCRT_size_t  _size;
+  int            _useflag;
+#ifdef __i386__
+typedef struct __JUMP_BUFFER
+    unsigned long Ebp;
+    unsigned long Ebx;
+    unsigned long Edi;
+    unsigned long Esi;
+    unsigned long Esp;
+    unsigned long Eip;
+    unsigned long Registration;
+    unsigned long TryLevel;
+    /* Start of new struct members */
+    unsigned long Cookie;
+    unsigned long UnwindFunc;
+    unsigned long UnwindData[6];
+#endif /* __i386__ */
+struct MSVCRT__diskfree_t {
+  unsigned int total_clusters;
+  unsigned int avail_clusters;
+  unsigned int sectors_per_cluster;
+  unsigned int bytes_per_sector;
+struct MSVCRT__finddata_t 
+  unsigned attrib;
+  MSVCRT_time_t   time_create;
+  MSVCRT_time_t   time_access;
+  MSVCRT_time_t   time_write;
+  MSVCRT__fsize_t size;
+  char            name[260];
+struct MSVCRT__finddatai64_t 
+  unsigned attrib;
+  MSVCRT_time_t  time_create;
+  MSVCRT_time_t  time_access;
+  MSVCRT_time_t  time_write;
+  __int64        size;
+  char           name[260];
+struct MSVCRT__wfinddata_t  {
+  unsigned attrib;
+  MSVCRT_time_t   time_create;
+  MSVCRT_time_t   time_access;
+  MSVCRT_time_t   time_write;
+  MSVCRT__fsize_t size;
+  MSVCRT_wchar_t  name[260];
+struct MSVCRT__wfinddatai64_t  {
+  unsigned attrib;
+  MSVCRT_time_t   time_create;
+  MSVCRT_time_t   time_access;
+  MSVCRT_time_t   time_write;
+  __int64         size;
+  MSVCRT_wchar_t  name[260];
+struct _utimbuf
+    MSVCRT_time_t actime;
+    MSVCRT_time_t modtime;
+/* for FreeBSD */
+#undef st_atime
+#undef st_ctime
+#undef st_mtime
+struct MSVCRT__stat  {
+  MSVCRT__dev_t  st_dev;
+  MSVCRT__ino_t  st_ino;
+  unsigned short st_mode;
+  short          st_nlink;
+  short          st_uid;
+  short          st_gid;
+  MSVCRT__dev_t  st_rdev;
+  MSVCRT__off_t  st_size;
+  MSVCRT_time_t  st_atime;
+  MSVCRT_time_t  st_mtime;
+  MSVCRT_time_t  st_ctime;
+struct MSVCRT_stat  {
+  MSVCRT__dev_t  st_dev;
+  MSVCRT__ino_t  st_ino;
+  unsigned short st_mode;
+  short          st_nlink;
+  short          st_uid;
+  short          st_gid;
+  MSVCRT__dev_t  st_rdev;
+  MSVCRT__off_t  st_size;
+  MSVCRT_time_t  st_atime;
+  MSVCRT_time_t  st_mtime;
+  MSVCRT_time_t  st_ctime;
+struct MSVCRT__stati64  {
+  MSVCRT__dev_t  st_dev;
+  MSVCRT__ino_t  st_ino;
+  unsigned short st_mode;
+  short          st_nlink;
+  short          st_uid;
+  short          st_gid;
+  MSVCRT__dev_t  st_rdev;
+  __int64        st_size;
+  MSVCRT_time_t  st_atime;
+  MSVCRT_time_t  st_mtime;
+  MSVCRT_time_t  st_ctime;
+#define MSVCRT_WEOF (MSVCRT_wint_t)(0xFFFF)
+#define MSVCRT_EOF       (-1)
+#define MSVCRT_TMP_MAX   0x7fff
+#define MSVCRT_BUFSIZ    512
+/* more file._flag flags, but these conflict with Unix */
+#define MSVCRT__IOFBF    0x0000
+#define MSVCRT__IONBF    0x0004
+#define MSVCRT__IOLBF    0x0040
+#define MSVCRT_stdin       (MSVCRT__iob+MSVCRT_STDIN_FILENO)
+#define MSVCRT_stdout      (MSVCRT__iob+MSVCRT_STDOUT_FILENO)
+#define MSVCRT_stderr      (MSVCRT__iob+MSVCRT_STDERR_FILENO)
+#define _P_WAIT    0
+#define _P_NOWAIT  1
+#define _P_OVERLAY 2
+#define _P_NOWAITO 3
+#define _P_DETACH  4
+#define MSVCRT_EPERM   1
+#define MSVCRT_ENOENT  2
+#define MSVCRT_ESRCH   3
+#define MSVCRT_EINTR   4
+#define MSVCRT_EIO     5
+#define MSVCRT_ENXIO   6
+#define MSVCRT_E2BIG   7
+#define MSVCRT_EBADF   9
+#define MSVCRT_ECHILD  10
+#define MSVCRT_EAGAIN  11
+#define MSVCRT_ENOMEM  12
+#define MSVCRT_EACCES  13
+#define MSVCRT_EFAULT  14
+#define MSVCRT_EBUSY   16
+#define MSVCRT_EEXIST  17
+#define MSVCRT_EXDEV   18
+#define MSVCRT_ENODEV  19
+#define MSVCRT_ENOTDIR 20
+#define MSVCRT_EISDIR  21
+#define MSVCRT_EINVAL  22
+#define MSVCRT_ENFILE  23
+#define MSVCRT_EMFILE  24
+#define MSVCRT_ENOTTY  25
+#define MSVCRT_EFBIG   27
+#define MSVCRT_ENOSPC  28
+#define MSVCRT_ESPIPE  29
+#define MSVCRT_EROFS   30
+#define MSVCRT_EMLINK  31
+#define MSVCRT_EPIPE   32
+#define MSVCRT_EDOM    33
+#define MSVCRT_ERANGE  34
+#define MSVCRT_EDEADLK 36
+#define MSVCRT_ENOLCK  39
+#define MSVCRT_ENOSYS  40
+#define MSVCRT_LC_ALL          0
+#define MSVCRT_LC_COLLATE      1
+#define MSVCRT_LC_CTYPE        2
+#define MSVCRT_LC_MONETARY     3
+#define MSVCRT_LC_NUMERIC      4
+#define MSVCRT_LC_TIME         5
+#define MSVCRT_LC_MIN          MSVCRT_LC_ALL
+#define MSVCRT_LC_MAX          MSVCRT_LC_TIME
+#define _HEAPEMPTY    -1
+#define _HEAPOK       -2
+#define _HEAPBADBEGIN -3
+#define _HEAPBADNODE  -4
+#define _HEAPEND      -5
+#define _HEAPBADPTR   -6
+#define _FREEENTRY     0
+#define _USEDENTRY     1
+#define _OUT_TO_DEFAULT      0
+#define _REPORT_ERRMODE      3
+/* ASCII char classification table - binary compatible */
+#define _UPPER        0x0001  /* C1_UPPER */
+#define _LOWER        0x0002  /* C1_LOWER */
+#define _DIGIT        0x0004  /* C1_DIGIT */
+#define _SPACE        0x0008  /* C1_SPACE */
+#define _PUNCT        0x0010  /* C1_PUNCT */
+#define _CONTROL      0x0020  /* C1_CNTRL */
+#define _BLANK        0x0040  /* C1_BLANK */
+#define _HEX          0x0080  /* C1_XDIGIT */
+#define _LEADBYTE     0x8000
+#define _ALPHA       (0x0100|_UPPER|_LOWER)  /* (C1_ALPHA|_UPPER|_LOWER) */
+#define MSVCRT__IOREAD   0x0001
+#define MSVCRT__IOWRT    0x0002
+#define MSVCRT__IOMYBUF  0x0008
+#define MSVCRT__IOEOF    0x0010
+#define MSVCRT__IOERR    0x0020
+#define MSVCRT__IOSTRG   0x0040
+#define MSVCRT__IORW     0x0080
+#define _S_IEXEC  0x0040
+#define _S_IWRITE 0x0080
+#define _S_IREAD  0x0100
+#define _S_IFIFO  0x1000
+#define _S_IFCHR  0x2000
+#define _S_IFDIR  0x4000
+#define _S_IFREG  0x8000
+#define _S_IFMT   0xF000
+void           MSVCRT_free(void*);
+void*          MSVCRT_malloc(MSVCRT_size_t);
+void*          MSVCRT_calloc(MSVCRT_size_t,MSVCRT_size_t);
+void*          MSVCRT_realloc(void*,MSVCRT_size_t);
+int            MSVCRT_iswalpha(MSVCRT_wint_t);
+int            MSVCRT_iswspace(MSVCRT_wint_t);
+int            MSVCRT_iswdigit(MSVCRT_wint_t);
+int            MSVCRT_isleadbyte(int);
+int            MSVCRT_fgetc(MSVCRT_FILE*);
+int            MSVCRT_ungetc(int,MSVCRT_FILE*);
+MSVCRT_wint_t  MSVCRT_fgetwc(MSVCRT_FILE*);
+MSVCRT_wint_t  MSVCRT_ungetwc(MSVCRT_wint_t,MSVCRT_FILE*);
+void           MSVCRT__exit(int);
+void           MSVCRT_abort();
+unsigned long* MSVCRT___doserrno(void);
+int*           MSVCRT__errno(void);
+char*          MSVCRT_getenv(const char*);
+char*          MSVCRT_setlocale(int,const char*);
+int            MSVCRT_fclose(MSVCRT_FILE*);
+void           MSVCRT_terminate();
+MSVCRT_FILE*   MSVCRT__p__iob(void);
+MSVCRT_time_t  MSVCRT_time(MSVCRT_time_t*);
+MSVCRT_wchar_t*   _wcsdup(const MSVCRT_wchar_t*);
+MSVCRT_wchar_t*** __p__wenviron(void);
+int            _write(int,const void*,unsigned int);
+int            _vsnwprintf(MSVCRT_wchar_t*,MSVCRT_size_t,const 
+void           _splitpath(const char*,char*,char*,char*,char*);
+int            _ismbstrail(const unsigned char* start, const unsigned char* str);
+int            _spawnve(int,const char*,const char* const *,const char* const *);
+void           _searchenv(const char*,const char*,char*);
+void           _sleep(unsigned long);
+int            _getdrive(void);
+int            _futime(int,struct _utimbuf*);
+char*          _strdup(const char*);
+char*          _strlwr(char*);
+char*          _strupr(char*);
+char*          _strnset(char*,int,MSVCRT_size_t);
+char*          _strset(char*,int);
+int            _getch(void);
+int            _ungetch(int);
+int            _cputs(const char*);
+int            _cprintf(const char*,...);
+int            _snprintf(char*,MSVCRT_size_t,const char*,...);
+char***        __p__environ(void);
+int*           __p___mb_cur_max(void);
+unsigned int*  __p__fmode(void);
 #endif /* __WINE_MSVCRT_H */

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