I have discovered that IE6 gives a page fault, a first chance exception,
when re-creating "Symptom 1" below. I have attaced the output of
winedbg. I am unable to interpret this file. As I said before, if
anyone wants me to do some troubleshooting or "patch testing," I will be
more than happy to do it.
Dan McGhee wrote:
1013 implies wine compiled from the cvs update on October 13 and a
.wine, created from that update
aug implies wine version compiled from the cvs update on October 13
and a .wine from a wine version, compiled from my repository,
before the 20040824 16:00:16 CDT commit
1. with wine from 1013 and .wine from 1013, IE6 exits with no
window--this started sometime after the
September snapshot
I have recreated this symptom with a wine updated from cvs this morning.
2. with wine from 1013, any version of wine that I compile, and
.wine from aug, IE6 runs and Help works
3. with wine from September snapshot and .wine from 1013, IE6
creates a segmentation fault
My original symptom was that I couldn't get IE6 Help to work after the
September snapshot. I did a regression and identified the commit of
20040824 16:00:16 CDT as causing the problem. The commit edits this
Among other things this patch changes
it also changes itss.dll. However, my symptoms still persist whether
I use a native or builtin version of itss. I include this information
because I don't know if the symptoms are separate problems or are
I am not able to pin point the cause of Symptom 1 because I do not yet
know how to update my repository to do a regression. I must wait for
the archive after the October snapshot.
I have reasoned, since I can get IE6 to work completely using a
~/.wine created before that August commit, that the problem lies
somewhere in the "fake windows" directory. There are differences in
the registry, win.ini and system.ini files, but I do not know how to
diagnose them.
The "trace:loaddll" shows which dll's I use as native.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] farmerdan]$ WINEDEBUG=+loaddll
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ole32,olepro32,oleaut32,rpcrt4=n,b" winedbg .wine/drive_c/Program\
Files/Internet\ Explorer/IEXPLORE.EXE
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"c:\\windows\\system\\psapi.dll" : builtin
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"c:\\windows\\system\\dbghelp.dll" : builtin
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"c:\\windows\\system\\advapi32.dll" : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadModule16 Loaded module "krnl386.exe" : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadModule16 Loaded module "system.drv" : builtin
WineDbg starting on pid 0xa
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"C:\\windows\\system\\msvcrt.dll" : native
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"c:\\windows\\system\\advapi32.dll" : builtin
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"c:\\windows\\system\\gdi32.dll" : builtin
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"c:\\windows\\system\\user32.dll" : builtin
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"C:\\windows\\system\\SHLWAPI.dll" : native
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"C:\\windows\\system\\SHDOCVW.dll" : native
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadModule16 Loaded module "krnl386.exe" : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadModule16 Loaded module "system.drv" : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadModule16 Loaded module "GDI.EXE" : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadModule16 Loaded module "USER.EXE" : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_LoadModule16 Loaded module "keyboard.drv" : builtin
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"c:\\windows\\system\\x11drv.dll" : builtin
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"c:\\windows\\system\\imm32.dll" : builtin
fixme:actctx:CreateActCtxW stub!
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"c:\\windows\\system\\comctl32.dll" : builtin
In 32 bit mode.
0x404e717f start_process+0xcf
[/home/farmerdan/wine/dlls/kernel/../../include/winternl.h:1249] in kernel32: jmp
0x404e7175 start_process+0xc5 [/home/farmerdan/wine/dlls/kernel/process.c:1022] in
1249 static inline void WINAPI DbgBreakPoint(void) { __asm__ __volatile__("int3"); }
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"c:\\windows\\system\\shell32.dll" : builtin
trace:loaddll:MODULE_FlushModrefs Unloaded module L"c:\\windows\\system\\shell32.dll"
: builtin
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"c:\\windows\\system\\shell32.dll" : builtin
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"C:\\windows\\system\\ole32.dll" : native
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"C:\\windows\\system\\BROWSEUI.dll" : native
fixme:actctx:CreateActCtxW stub!
err:shell:ReadCabinetState Initializing shell cabinet settings
fixme:actctx:ActivateActCtx stub!
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"C:\\windows\\system\\browselc.dll" : native
First chance exception: page fault on read access to 0xfffffffe in 32-bit code
Register dump:
CS:0073 SS:007b DS:007b ES:007b FS:003b GS:0033
EIP:401df96e ESP:406cdfe4 EBP:406ce0a0 EFLAGS:00010246( - 00 -RIZP1)
EAX:fffffffe EBX:40210044 ECX:00000001 EDX:00000000
ESI:00000000 EDI:fffffffe
Stack dump:
0x406cdfe4: 406cedd0 401d7430 401dc440 40210044
0x406cdff4: 00000000 fffffffe 406ce0a0 406cdfdc
0x406ce004: 401df95b 00000001 00000000 00000000
0x406ce014: 401dbbd9 40210044 406ce038 401da050
0x406ce024: 403c8000 00000010 40360034 403c7ef8
0x406ce034: 40360000 406ce064 401da0bf 40360000
=>1 0x401df96e RtlImageNtHeader+0x6e(hModule=0xfffffffe)
[/home/farmerdan/wine/dlls/ntdll/loader.c:1826] in ntdll (0x406ce0a0)
2 0x401dfc50 RtlImageDirectoryEntryToData+0x30(module=0xffffffff, image=0x0,
dir=0x0, size=0x406ce0d8) [/home/farmerdan/wine/dlls/ntdll/loader.c:1939] in ntdll
3 0x401dde6f LdrGetProcedureAddress+0x3f(module=0xffffffff, name=0x406ce104,
ord=0x0, address=0x406ce100) [/home/farmerdan/wine/dlls/ntdll/loader.c:1062] in ntdll
4 0x404dbb59 GetProcAddress+0x39(hModule=0xffffffff, function=0x70c24832)
[/home/farmerdan/wine/dlls/kernel/module.c:823] in kernel32 (0x406ce118)
5 0x70c24399err:dbghelp_msc:pdb_process_file -Unable to peruse .PDB file shlwapi.pdb
6 0x70c23bd1 (0x406ce1b0)
7 0x71191420err:dbghelp_msc:pdb_process_file -Unable to peruse .PDB file
EntryPoint+0xc70 in browseui (0x406ce1d4)
8 0x711819aa 123+0x123 in browseui (0x406ce210)
9 0x7118a3c9 (0x406ce22c)
10 0x71165a1c (0x406ce24c)
11 0x4077cf17fixme:dbghelp:elf_lookup_symtab Already found symbol add_paint_count
(/home/farmerdan/wine/dlls/user/../../windows/painting.c) in symtab painting.c
@00059890 and painting.c @000a4b10
WINPROC_wrapper+0x17 in user32 (0x406ce270)
12 0x4077d251 WINPROC_CallWndProc+0x51(proc=0x71165af5, hwnd=0x10026, msg=0x81,
wParam=0x0, lParam=0x406ce630)
[/home/farmerdan/wine/dlls/user/../../windows/winproc.c:334] in user32 (0x406ce29c)
13 0x40783135 CallWindowProcA+0xb5(func=0x71165af5, hwnd=0x10026, msg=0x81,
wParam=0x0, lParam=0x406ce630)
[/home/farmerdan/wine/dlls/user/../../windows/winproc.c:3288] in user32 (0x406ce2d0)
14 0x407b1281 call_window_proc+0xd1(hwnd=0x10026, msg=0x81, wparam=0x0,
lparam=0x406ce630, unicode=0x0, same_thread=0x1)
[/home/farmerdan/wine/dlls/user/message.c:1463] in user32 (0x406ce32c)
15 0x407b2271 SendMessageTimeoutA+0x171(hwnd=0x10026, msg=0x81, wparam=0x0,
lparam=0x406ce630, flags=0x0, timeout=0xffffffff, res_ptr=0x406ce3bc)
[/home/farmerdan/wine/dlls/user/message.c:1970] in user32 (0x406ce398)
16 0x407b2345 SendMessageA+0x35(hwnd=0x10026, msg=0x81, wparam=0x0,
lparam=0x406ce630) [/home/farmerdan/wine/dlls/user/message.c:2014] in user32
17 0x40c08371 X11DRV_CreateWindow+0x3a1(hwnd=0x10026, cs=0x406ce630, unicode=0x0)
[/home/farmerdan/wine/dlls/x11drv/window.c:1095] in x11drv (0x406ce444)
18 0x40776c67 WIN_CreateWindowEx+0x4b7(cs=0x406ce630, classAtom=0xc05b, type=0x2)
[/home/farmerdan/wine/dlls/user/../../windows/win.c:1171] in user32 (0x406ce518)
19 0x4077735b CreateWindowExA+0x8b(exStyle=0x100, className=0x406ce6b0,
windowName=0x406ce8c4, style=0x2cf0000, x=0x80000000, y=0x80000000, width=0x80000000,
height=0x80000000, parent=0x0, menu=0x8c, instance=0x71160000, data=0x403c4d00)
[/home/farmerdan/wine/dlls/user/../../windows/win.c:1327] in user32 (0x406ce66c)
20 0x70bfca52 38+0x394 in shlwapi (0x406cead0)
21 0x71181c0e 123+0x387 in browseui (0x406ced54)
22 0x71181acf 123+0x248 in browseui (0x406cede0)
23 0x71181a86 123+0x1ff in browseui (0x406cfe5c)
24 0x7101f031err:dbghelp_msc:pdb_process_file -Unable to peruse .PDB file
101+0xa7 in shdocvw (0x406cfe7c)
25 0x00401ecderr:dbghelp_msc:pdb_process_file -Unable to peruse .PDB file
26 0x00401f7d EntryPoint+0x97 in iexplore (0x406cff2c)
27 0x404e7178 start_process+0xc8(arg=0x0)
[/home/farmerdan/wine/dlls/kernel/process.c:1022] in kernel32 (0x406cfff4)
28 0x4002ed6d wine_switch_to_stack+0x11 in libwine.so.1 (0x00000000)
0x401df96e RtlImageNtHeader+0x6e [/home/farmerdan/wine/dlls/ntdll/loader.c:1826] in
ntdll: cmpw $0x5a4d,0x0(%eax)
1826 if (dos->e_magic == IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE)
syntax error
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"C:\\windows\\system\\RPCRT4.DLL" : native
fixme:actctx:DeactivateActCtx stub!
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"C:\\windows\\system\\MSOSS.dll" : native
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"C:\\windows\\system\\CRYPT32.dll" : native
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"C:\\windows\\system\\OLEAUT32.dll" : native
trace:loaddll:load_dll Loaded module L"C:\\windows\\system\\WININET.dll" : native
Process of pid=0x0000000a has terminated
WineDbg terminated on pid 0xa