On January 11, 2005 08:02 am, Bill Medland wrote:
> Any idea what is going wrong in the OXID handling here?

See below for theory

> Is "a" the first thread of the new process?  Is the problem that it should
> be "b"?
> (I've removed a few extraneous traces)
> (This is after the COM_CreateApartment fixes patch)
> 0009:trace:ole:create_marshalled_proxy
> rclsid={4dfceca2-156a-4e02-9d02-2e5253ad1d01},
> iid={00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
> 0009:trace:ole:create_marshalled_proxy waiting for
> \\.\pipe\{4DFCECA2-156A-4E02-9D02-2E5253AD1D01}
> 0009:trace:ole:create_server activating local server
> 'L"G:\\runtime\\a4wlpmgr.exe -Embedding"' for
> {4DFCECA2-156A-4E02-9D02-2E5253AD1D01}
> 0009:trace:ole:create_marshalled_proxy waiting for
> \\.\pipe\{4DFCECA2-156A-4E02-9D02-2E5253AD1D01}
> 0009:warn:ole:create_marshalled_proxy Could not open named pipe to broker
> \\.\pipe\{4DFCECA2-156A-4E02-9D02-2E5253AD1D01}, le is 2
> 000b:trace:ole:DllMain 0x540000 0x1 0x1
> 0009:trace:ole:create_marshalled_proxy waiting for
> \\.\pipe\{4DFCECA2-156A-4E02-9D02-2E5253AD1D01}
> 0009:warn:ole:create_marshalled_proxy Could not open named pipe to broker
> \\.\pipe\{4DFCECA2-156A-4E02-9D02-2E5253AD1D01}, le is 2
> 000b:trace:ole:CoInitializeEx ((nil), 0)
> 000b:trace:ole:CoInitializeEx () - Initializing the COM libraries
> 000b:trace:ole:RunningObjectTableImpl_Initialize ()
> 000b:trace:ole:COM_CreateApartment thread 0xb is entering the multithreaded
> apartment 000b:trace:ole:CoRegisterClassObject
> ({4dfceca2-156a-4e02-9d02-2e5253ad1d01},0x405701a0,0x00000004,0x00000005,0x
>412054) 000b:trace:ole:CoMarshalInterface (0x4006b7a0,
> {00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, 0x405701a0, 0, (nil), 1)
> 000b:trace:ole:CoGetStandardMarshal
> ({00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000046},0x405701a0,0,(nil),1,0x51fd84)
> 000b:trace:ole:CoMarshalInterface Using standard marshaling
> 000b:trace:ole:CoMarshalInterface Calling IMarshal::MarshalInterace
> 000b:trace:ole:StdMarshalImpl_MarshalInterface
> (...,{00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000046},...)
> 000b:trace:ole:start_apartment_listener_thread apt->listenertid=0
> 000d:trace:ole:apartment_listener_thread Apartment listener thread starting
> on (\\.\pipe\WINE_OLE_StubMgr_0000000a00000000) 000b:trace:ole:CoGetPSClsid
> () riid={00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, pclsid=0x51fd18
> 000b:trace:ole:CoGetPSClsid () Returning
> CLSID={00000320-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}
> 000b:trace:ole:CoGetClassObject
>       CLSID:  {00000320-0000-0000-c000-000000000046},
>       IID:    {d5f569d0-593b-101a-b569-08002b2dbf7a}
> 000b:trace:ole:COMPOBJ_DLLList_Add
> 000b:trace:ole:PSFacBuf_CreateStub
> ({00000001-0000-0000-c000-000000000046},0x405701a0,0x51fd10)
> 000b:fixme:ole:StdMarshalImpl_MarshalInterface table marshalling
> unimplemented 000b:warn:ole:get_stub_manager_from_object Could not map OXID
> a00000000 to apartment object 000b:trace:ole:register_ifstub constructing
> new stub manager
> 000b:warn:ole:register_ifstub Could not map OXID a00000000 to apartment
> object

in COM_CreateApartment (Yes, that new area of code we are now executing!!!):
When we enter that apartment presumably we should be altering some of the 
MTA's properties like the tid and oxid.

Is there a function for it already?  Or else, what locks the MTA?

Bill Medland

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