Whats the status of this? Is this the final and set date? I'd like to
get the date finalized soon so I can can purchase my tickets early
enough to get a decent rate.

On Mon, 2005-01-10 at 15:49 -0700, Brian Vincent wrote:
> We have a tentative reservation for Wineconf and we'd like some feedback
> regarding dates and times:
> WHERE: Stuttgart, Germany
> WHEN: April 30 / May 1st (plan on arriving April 29th)
> We realize it's not possible to accomodate everyone's schedule, but these
> dates seem to work nicely for a lot of people.  In addition, SambaXP will
> be held May 2nd and 3rd near the area, so this event may attract some
> other folks interested in this stuff.  
> Can anyone foresee any glaring problems with the location and dates?
> Otherwise, we'll move forward with firming up the plans and send an
> official announcement later in the week.
> -Brian

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