Holly Bostick wrote:

Well, all of it is blowing your own horn... which is fine, you should do more of it.

But, in this case, apps like WinZip or Mozilla, both of which specifically are more likely to be run in native versions by new users than via Wine-- WinZip we've already been through, and of course Moz is more than likely installed by default already-- are the applications being used to do it. Displaying them as your "star achievements" is much more of a wan 'blaat' than a resounding fanfare.

If you've accomplished getting a difficult, unique, and irreplaceable program running so well that it should be on the Gold list, by all means, make the notification big. I'll be the last to complain. Quicktime running under Wine is something that everybody wants/needs to know about for all kinds of reasons. IE installing/running under Wine is a big deal, even for those of us who don't use it as a browser. Even Grandma may well code up a simple web page and want to use IE to test the display and compatibility, and of course lots of unrelated programs require IE before they will install.

Placing applications such as those in a position of prominence not only gives users useful information and reassures them, but also reveals that you have done something *hard* to both the knowledgeable and the naive.

Placing WinZip there says... nothing much at all.

Well I would send a patch and some screen shots with some "Toatly Kewl Apps & Games" running via wine
but there is only one small problem.. I use native dlls some of the time and for a app/game to be listed
it cant use any native dlls...... It has to run 100% out of the box.

- revamp the voting system.

... or give it a reason to be... ( :-) ).

There is no reason for it to be.......... It will only serve to let the programmers know what
people would like to see working in the future. You dont ask someone who is working for
free and giving there work away to work on what you want.. thats not the way FOSS works...
People work on what they want to, when they want to.

You have four options to get a app/game to work......

- Fix it yourself
- beg and plead (which will only piss people off)
- wait for it to get fixed (may be tommorow may be 10 years)
- pay someone to fix it


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