With one inline asm-statement this function would smaler and faster.
And the comment for
 *  ulCount [I] Number of bytes to write
need change.

And one question,
How can I start ntdll_test.exe.so in wine ?


 * RtlFillMemoryUlong   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * Fill memory with a 32 bit (dword) value.
 *  lpDest  [I] Bitmap pointer
 *  ulCount [I] Number of bytes to write
 *  ulValue [I] Value to fill with
 *  Nothing.
VOID WINAPI RtlFillMemoryUlong(ULONG* lpDest, ULONG ulCount, ULONG ulValue)
  TRACE("(%p,%ld,%ld)\n", lpDest, ulCount, ulValue);

#if 1
  ulCount /= sizeof(ULONG);
 __asm__ __volatile__("rep stosl"
                       :"D" (lpDest), "c" (ulCount), "a" (ulValue));
  ulCount /= sizeof(ULONG);
    *lpDest++ = ulValue;

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