
Ira Krakow wrote:
I'm giving a presentation on converting Windows
programs to Linux at MIT (the Boston Linux User Group)
on April 20th from 7pm to 9pm.

I have a feeling it's going to be pretty different from IBM's irrealistically limited take on the subject.

I was wondering if anyone has any Wine PowerPoint
slides?  I will do the presentation in PowerPoint
under Crossover Office 4.1.  I can either develop the
slides myself or adapt and use slides that have been
developed already.  Maybe something from a previous

I don't have anything Winelib oriented but I can send you the PowerPoint of the presentation I gave to Lugod. Like Jeremy's presentation it's a bit CrossOver oriented (the title is 'CrossOver and Wine'), and also has my slant towards answering the 'Why Wine is important?' question.

The presentation slides are also available online there:

Francois Gouget

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