
On Sat, Feb 19, 2005 at 01:33:35PM +0100, Krzysztof Kosz wrote:
> Yes, it looks like a fallback. And one thing more to note (don't know if
> that's matter): Linux is case sensitive (I assume that Wine also) and we
> have here: {00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} versus
> {00020430-0000-0000-c000-000000000046} - 'C" versus 'c'. Just spotted in
> the traces.
Linux *filesystem* and *commands* are (usually!) case-sensitive, but that
doesn't really tell anything about case sensitivity rules in any program code
whatsoever or even any other areas...
(although in general Unix is case sensitive mostly)

In this case I'd think it's just a printout of GUID strings, which are
*probably* always used in a case insensitive way, but then I didn't really
check it...

Andreas Mohr

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