... the Neverwinter Nights Toolset. Amazingly enough, after I had followed a whole lot of very complex instructions in order to download and compile some half-ancient version of WineX (3.3.2), patch it to nwwine (which is the common name of the patched version that is supposed to get the toolset working; it's in Portage and everything), and add Registry entries and native dlls, it turned out that the toolset ran 'perfectly well' under regular old Wine 20050211 (and in fact not very well under nwwine; couldn't use the menus, etc.).

My wine is all hacked together atm, so I'll have to do a clean install to see if it needs anything special other than a couple of native dlls (that it might not need, but I had installed them to the program folder for nwwine) before attempting to add it to the appdb, but it definitely works. I've added custom content to all 7 of the Original Campaign modules using it (and the game is using the content properly, so it's correctly added).

Oh, and by the way, thanks for the fix of the titlebars; it's really really nice to have the same window decorations in Wine programs as on the rest of the desktop. Just noticed it today (can't believe I didn't before) and wanted to let you know I appreciate it.


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