On Tuesday 15 March 2005 10:47, Holly Bostick wrote:
> Noticed this thread on the Rage3D Linux (ATI) Drivers forums:
> Fix for WoW in OpenGL mode in wine/cedega (
> http://www.rage3d.com/board/showthread.php?t=33807135 ).
> Basically, it seems to involve hex-editing WoW.exe (!!!) to filter out a
> couple of extensions (mainly GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object), which sounds
> rather horrifying, but does apparently result in vastly improved
> performance in OpenGL mode for ATI users under Wine and Cedega.
> Now, I don't play WoW, I'm no programmer, and this may well be an
> ATI-specific issue, but maybe the hack listed here will shed further
> light on the DX9/WoW work currently needed/being done.
> Just in case it's useful info that no one happened to see :) . If not,
> please ignore and apologies for the interruption.
> Holly


well this is an ugly to deactivate GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object (OpenGL only) 
extension support by game.

If you have correct graphics after that, you have find (another) ATI linux 
driver bug :)

You can send it to ATI guys (they will be happy) :)


PS: Nvidia drivers seems to have bug on vbo support too (but only on my 
proto) :(

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