Robert Shearman wrote:

Maarten Lankhorst wrote:

I'm having troubles sending a media sample over the graph,
I'm wondering wether that is because of the receiving filter or my own fault.

the thing I'm trying to send is a uncompressed 24 bit image, the bitmap info header data of it is pretty much as this:

mediatype: BI_RGB24
Width: 320
Height: 240
Bitcount: 24
Size of the image in bytes: 230400
compression: BI_RGB

so my questions about it are:
- What should I do with the ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES

props.cbAlign - do you have any alignment requirements? if not, set to 1.
props.cbPrefix - do you have any private data you want to include before the sample? if not, set to 0.
props.cbBuffer - maximum size of the buffer (recommended is 0x20000 or 64kb)
props.cBuffers - how many samples will you be processing at once?

I allocated 4 buffers of 64kB now to hold the sample, it's probably more friendly then 1 buffer of 230kB

- What do I have to put in IMediaSample SetActualDataLength

The value corresponding to "Size of the image in bytes."

Had that, turned out it wasn't the reason I got an invalid error

- How can I fill the pointer returned by IMediaSample GetPointer so that the sample gets accepted?

The media sample contains no format information so it shouldn't be rejected. Just memcpy the bytes.


I tried using the graph edit tool from Graph Edit, connected my outputpin to videorenderer's input pin I got this:
trace:quartz:VideoRenderer_SendSampleData 0x77ca8108 0x7cfd0000 131072
trace:quartz:IPinImpl_ConnectionMediaType (0x77ca8268/0x77ca8268)->(0x77a9f8f8)
trace:quartz:VideoRenderer_SendSampleData biSize = 298763094
trace:quartz:VideoRenderer_SendSampleData biWidth = -1442840129
trace:quartz:VideoRenderer_SendSampleData biHeigth = 1515803904
trace:quartz:VideoRenderer_SendSampleData biPlanes = 64268
trace:quartz:VideoRenderer_SendSampleData biBitCount = 30633
trace:quartz:VideoRenderer_SendSampleData biCompression = "X\x00\x00\x00"...
trace:quartz:VideoRenderer_SendSampleData biSizeImage = 2009760832

Somehow my media format got messed up, I'll look at the source, figure out what I did wrong then return working on this happily, I bet it's the same reason msn returned E_FAIL :)

*Takes another deep look into his probably messed up code, does this mean I have to rewrite it earlier then I thought? O_O*

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