Robert Lunnon wrote:
I am having a problem with the attached segfault in ie6
I have attached a gdb backtrace and the last part of a relay dump. hModule is 0xffffffffe and gets dereferenced to find e_magic presumably from the psp.
Obviously dereferencing 0xfffffffe is not good which raises an exception
The exception is caught and appears to be ignored the first time it occurs but this seems unusual to me
Can anyone shed light on this, is this normal or do I have a problem. What's going on here ?
This is normal. IE expects a DLL (apphelp.dll?) to be loaded at the point where it does the GetProcAddress and it doesn't do any checking on the return value from GetModuleHandle. As there is an exception handler in RtlImageNtHeader it shouldn't crash IE and it should fail gracefully.