--- Paul van Schayck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We do need this for winecfg. If you want to setup virtual drive you do
> want to see the full unix fs. Winecfg needs to have to unix paths.
> Putting conversion code in winecfg was not really acceptable, an
> extension to was.
> This extension will become even more valuable because we want winecfg
> (or wine in particular) to start without having any virtual drive.
> People might have removed all drives (with winecfg).
> Paul

But surely, for this particular winecfg program we don't need to add extensions
to all of wine, right? I mean, if we extend the API this way, more will come.
And it's actually easier to extend than to trim down, so I say we'd better not
add this extension.

About winecfg, why not have a unix, text-based version of winecfg? More like
Linux's make config IMO. Then when the drives are already set up, we can run
the 'real' winecfg.

William Poetra Yoga Hadisoeseno

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