On 5/5/05, Peter Kovacs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A general fee for all is better IMHO. We could make a fee 0f 200$ link
> the List to a profile where the Companies stats is listed. There we
> could make a Rubrik like the Company donated over X $ to the project.
> That would state the closeness and the support.
> You move up in the list if you collect enough points by producing code,
> patches and donation. Wich you can check on the profile.
> How bout that?

This to me sounds reasonable enough.

> >3) a link back to winehq.org from there site and not twenty pages into
> >there site.
> We could make a Button like Offical Wine support for the Commercial
> supporter. This button can be placed on the homepage.

Sounds good..

> >7) if a banned party wants re-instatement they must pay a fine of
> >$25,000 and post a written apology to the community for there actions.
> It would be better if a official Wine Support Company signs a contract
> where it agrees to an penalty payment if violating the contract. The
> violation fee could be differ to the severity of the violation.
> This sounds serious to me. Because this is a two way road. We promise
> the company to treat them right and they ensure us to be honest on the
> project.
> Of course a contract is a bit more demanding then the simple list but
> they become the OFFICIAL Partner for wine. I think that is more worth
> then a fee.

This is the main area where I'm most concerned, what will we as a
group do if someone ask for a listing and we grand a listing and they
in return don't give back to this project in any way other than the
$100 or $200 that we ask for up front?

I know Ive not gave a great deal to this project but it saddens me to
think we don't or wont have any mechanism in place to deal with
identity's that don't follow the LGPL.
So before we jump into this we should take a couple steps back and
look at what were going to do in a worse case scenario. And have a
plan of action in case such a  occurrence should arise. Most people
want to trust there fellow man but as we all know this does not always

I would also like to say "thank you" for actually putting some thought
into your reply!



> Greetings
> Peter

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