
Whenever wine crashes, I get a long stream of 

err:dbghelp_stabs:stabs_parse Unknown stab type 0x2e
err:dbghelp_stabs:stabs_parse Unknown stab type 0x4e
err:dbghelp_stabs:stabs_parse Unknown stab type 0x2e
err:dbghelp_stabs:stabs_parse Unknown stab type 0x4e
err:dbghelp_stabs:stabs_parse Unknown stab type 0x2e
err:dbghelp_stabs:stabs_parse Unknown stab type 0x4e
err:dbghelp_stabs:stabs_parse Unknown stab type 0x2e
err:dbghelp_stabs:stabs_parse Unknown stab type 0x4e

Does everyone else get that too?  Does anyone have info on this?  It's
understandable to output an unknown type, but it does make the
backtrace pretty much useless.  After a couple parts of the bt, the
error message files a couple hundred lines, then another couple lines
of the bt, so I can't see the whole bt at once.  Sometimes parts of
the bt are scrolled up past my history limit.  I don't mean to
complain, but it is hampering debugging a bit.

James Hawkins

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