Dimi Paun wrote:

And yes, I agree the bar shouldn't be too low. But on the integration
page we have a number of cool, fun, not-all-that-easy projects that
would be very good for wine to have:
  * http://wiki.winehq.org/KernelHandleSupport

I doubt that a newbie could do that to anybody's satisfaction.

  * http://wiki.winehq.org/ThemingSupport
  * http://wiki.winehq.org/MozillaIntegration
  * http://wiki.winehq.org/DIBEngine
  * http://wiki.winehq.org/SingleSignOn
  * http://wiki.winehq.org/SoftWinelib

Also, we can add stuff like:
  * jscript.dll reimplementation using the Mozilla JScript

How about implementing hhctrl.ocx and hh.exe? That would give us code that exercises the IE6 embedding features of shdocvw, and the basis of code for a propper browser...

Or else, complete the integration with Gnome, so that we have a Gnome VFS library that can recreate the Windows menu heirachy, without having to resort to the wineshelllink hack.


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