It works. You are probably still resolving to the old IP. That should
clear up shortly.

$ host has address

$ cvs -d:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/wine co wine
cvs checkout: Updating wine
U wine/.cvsignore

On Tue, 2005-08-30 at 18:44 -0500, Alex Villací­s Lasso wrote:
> Jeremy Newman wrote:
> >The webserver is back online. There are still plenty of quirks to fix.
> >Feel free to bug me here on wine-devel about any issues that crop up.
> >
> >Whats Up:
> > website
> > website
> > website
> >FTP site
> >Anonymous CVS access
> >  
> >
> Anonymous CVS still doesn't work for me:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] src-python]$ cd ~/download/wine/wine-20050725-cvs/
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wine-20050725-cvs]$ cvs update -PAd
> /home/wine: no such repository
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wine-20050725-cvs]$ cvs login
> Logging in to :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:2401/home/wine
> CVS password:
> /home/wine: no such repository
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wine-20050725-cvs]$
> I can only assume that the repository is no longer at /home/wine, but 
> this is the announced path on the website, and it has worked until today.
> So, which is the new path, if any?
> Alex Villacís Lasso

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