Michael Stefaniuc wrote:

> Tom Wickline wrote:
>> Fom :
>> http://archives.free.net.ph/message/20050921.093916.4717740b.en.html
> This can be because TurboLinux announced today that they will
> distribute the DAVID technology from SpecOpS:
> http://www.turbolinux.com/cgi-bin/newsrelease/index.cgi?date2=20050821173249&mode=syosai
> bye
>     michael

I'd understand it more if I knew WHAT the David technology actually was!

Did they release ANYTHING?

Regarding the challenge, it seems that they will give you the
application they want working if you contact them.

Oh, and about David. Their web site claims to use a hybrid approach to
the matter. They integrate emulation and Wine (and wine style)
reimplementation. I have no idea how such a thing is supposed to help
them along. Also, it will be interesting to see whether this turns out
to be any different than what Win4Lin are doing.

As a side track, Win4Lin contacted me a while back, and wanted Lingnu to
represent them in Israel. I sent back a few technical questions, and
NEVER HEARD FROM THEM AGAIN! Does the company still exist?


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