On Thursday 17 November 2005 01:02, Marcelo Duarte wrote:
> Raphael escreveu:
> >Hi,
> >
> > I'm working on advpack API LaunchINFSectionEx (trying to get mdac 2.7
> >installer working)
> >
> >And i have a strage problem:
> >
> >In attached subset of my "+file,+advpack,+setupapi,+cabinet" log
> >you can see at line 30 that CopyFile failed to copy
> >"C:\\windows\\temp\\IXP010.TMP\\odbc32.dll"
> >to "c:\\windows\\system32\\odbc32.dll"
> >
> >Reason why my install failed.
> >
> >But:
> ># ls -la ~/.wine/dosdevices/c:/windows/temp/IXP010.TMP | grep -i
> > odbc32.dll -rw-r--r--   1 fenix users  200704 nov 16 23:23 ODBC32.dll
> >
> >Why it failed to check case insensitive existence ?
> What file system you are using? I have some problems with FAT. If I
> remenber, the problem arises when the installer is on FAT fs.

XFS file system (i haven't vfat/windows partitions).

Seems to be a concurrent problem...


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