On 11/20/05, Stefan Dösinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know any other games which are running with the old Direct3D 7
> implementation? I will give Prince of Persia 3D a try tomorrow, but the last
> time I tried it crashed before initialising DDraw.

Anarchy Online. You can get the game and a free account at
http://www.anarchy-online.com/free/ad_campaigns/freecampaign (it's a
free MMORPG with ingame ads)

It was almost working with the old direct7 implementation last time I
checked it, although with lots of rendering problems. I haven't been
able to work further on making it work for a few months because I
currently have no internet access at home, but when I last tried to
figure out what was wrong, it seemed that the old direct3d7
implementation didn't set material colors when rendering stuff with
dynamic lighting and no vertex colors, so it actually may work better
with your patch.

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