Am Sonntag, den 20.11.2005, 17:02 +0100 schrieb Paul Vriens:

> with the latest winetest suite I've noticed the following changes:
Thanks for writing this first. 

> - On win98 my taskbar get's twice the size it used to be.
Same here on win98se

> - On win98/winxp the window border is a lot thicker.

On nt3.51 it chages from 3(default), 1 or 0 to to 20.
Looks very ugly.

> the first and last one prevail (even after rebooting). The second one
> seems to intermittently stay.
I set this back manual on nt3.51.
I will check with a reboot.

> I'll have a look myself later on but just wanted some confirmation.

You are not alone.

By By ...
      ... Detlef

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