On Tue, Nov 22, 2005 at 08:55:05AM +0100, Raphael wrote:
> > Daniel is putting a patch together, his card only supported glx 1.2 and
> > glXChooseFBConfig required 1.3. There was some old code that works with 1.2
> > that he's using.
> No, all cards "supports" glx 1.3.
> GLX is implemented on X server and is independant from graphic card 
> capabilities (GLX 1.3 is only a API evolution form 1.2). Graphic cards driver 
> shouldn't influe this APIs.
> He must find what happened (and maybe open a bug report on X)

Actually, I think Raphael is right. glXChooseFBConfig shouldn't be hardware
related (it's nothing that needs acceleration like e.g. matrix
transforms). However, as glxinfo shows, my system just doesn't implement
GLX 1.3, only version 1.2. So, while it is strange that
glXChooseFBConfig exists at all on my system it is not required to work.
Thus, no bug in X11 (I think).


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