On Wed, 2006-01-04 at 07:44 -0800, Dan Kegel wrote:
> > The application my employer develops is a financial
> > application designed to work on Win 2K and Win XP, but we
> > have a need for a Win32 function that is only supported in
> > XP (TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime). We could write an
> > implementation of this function ourselves for Win 2K but
> > I have noticed that there is a full implementation in Wine.
> >
> > Is it permissible to use the source for this function in
> > our application?
> That function, along with all of Wine, is LGPL'd.  Thus to use
> it in a proprietary app, you just have to put it in its own DLL.
> > If so, what provisions do we need to make
> > with regard to recognition of Wine and supply of source
> > code to our customers ?
> You need to provide the source code for the LGPL'd DLL you ship.
> Have a look at the terms of the LGPL for details:
> http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.txt
> Good luck with your project!
> - Dan
> --
> Wine for Windows ISVs: http://kegel.com/wine/isv

Exactly what I was hoping for. Many thanks.


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