Olaf Schmidt wrote:

are working here, using our own implementation of a COM-based
RPC-Server. Its speciality is the hosting of COM-Binaries, that
don't have to be registered, to instantiate Classes and invoke Methods
on them.

I assume you mean cross-process COM calls? The D-part of DCOM is not currently supported.

No Memory-Leaking, even under Stress (the server was able, to
deliver max. 700 small COMRequsest per second, stressed from
multiple Clients (XP-Box, comparable Hardware, reached ca. 2000).


Wine has ca. 3 times the Call-Overhead, regarding Object-Instantiation
and Method-Invoking-By-Name.

This is expected and it is on my todo list to fix this. However, I want to get more applications working first before I make the ones that do work faster!

But the more realistic Recordset-Call
was finished after 14ms, where the XP-Box needed 9ms - so for realistic
Calls, we now see only factor 1.5 under Wine. And in the "Large-String-
Reflection-Test" (2MB Up- and 4MB-Download) - Wine was a little bit
faster than XP - good job, regarding your socket-bindings.
Minimizing to the "KDE-SysTray", all was working; I was impressed.


Now the bad news:  ;-)
Not working was:
1. Running as Service (Service-Registering was successful, but ...)
  (Ok, no big problem, running as UserProcess was working, but
   are there plans, to simulate the Win-ServiceControlmanager?)

No. It doesn't really make sense at the moment. We don't recommend that Wine be run as root and we don't support impersonating other Unix users that would be necessary to maintain security in this environment.

2. Win-Authentication and -Impersonation
  (LogonUser- and ImpersonateLoggedOnUser-APIs - already mapped to...?)

The probably both do nothing. Since you shouldn't be running as root, then this isn't a problem.

3. "Global ServerSingletons" using ROT-Entries with FileMoniker-Binding

Not supported yet. During a recent rewrite of the ROT implementation I made it easier to do this, but our midl replacement "widl" isn't quite at the point where this can be implemented yet. I can provide more details about the architecture of the ROT if you are interested.

4. "RPCServer-internal Singletons" (CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream
   and CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream against the IUnknown-Interface).

I'm not sure what you mean here by "RPCServer-internal singletons". Please elaborate. Both of the APIs you mention should be fully functional.

Any Ideas, especially for 3. and 4.?--> a good working X-Process-,
respective X-Thread-Marshaling would be important, to take COM-
Hosting under Linux/Wine seriously into account.
My attempts, to get any useful information per WineDebug were not

The best debugging source would be to run with the environment variable "WINEDEBUG=+ole" and dump the output to a file.

It would be great, if anybody with more "Wine-Debugging-Experience"
could look at the appropriate Calls using our free Server-Download.

I don't have time to download and install your applications, but I am willing to look at debug logs if you generate them.

Rob Shearman

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