Friday, March 24, 2006, 12:44:46 AM, Hiji wrote:
> There is this program, Cakewalk Sonar XL 2
> (
> that I always try to run on Wine.  The good news is, I
> can get it running, not smoothly, but it does run. 
> However, it tries to utilize one of its own fonts, and
> always stubs on CreateScalableFontResourceA.

> It hits this:
> fixme:font:CreateScalableFontResourceA
> (0,"C:\\PROG~FBU\\Cakewalk\\SONA~3TJ\\TTSNOTE.FOR","C:\\PROG~FBU\\Cakewalk\\SONA~3TJ\\TTSNOTE.TTR",(null)):
> stub

> Then the app tells me the following in a popup:
> "Cannot create the Staff view musical symbol font."

> Anybody know what this means or have any workaround
> for making CreateScalableFontResourceA work?  I've
> seen this problem since Dec. 2004, but since it hasn't
> gone away, I thought I'd pipe up and ask about it.

> Thanks in advance!
> Hiji

AFAIK that was the only way for any program to "temporary" install it's
fonts. Temporary means that the font will be available to the current
session only (no entirely sure here if font will stay after program
closes or will be available).


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