--- John Willis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Howdy,
> I have a large VS 6.0 C++ program and I'm running it
> under WINE under Redhat Linux. 
> Everything works fine, but it doesn't handle file
> sizes greater than 4gb like it can running 
> directly under Windows XP. 
> I've tweaked everything that I can find that seems
> to deal with file sizes. 

How do you access the file? With stdio streams
(fopen(), fread(), ...), MSVCRT's open()/read(), or
with KERNEL32's CreateFile(), ReadFile(), ... ?

> Is there a problem with WINE itself handling very
> large file sizes? 

Which version of the Linux kernel and which filesystem
are you using?

I'll run some tests at home and see whether it works
for me.

> Thanks in advance,
> John> 

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