Currently, using the Wine supplied print dialog, printing to a file results in a file named "FILE:". In Windows (at least Win2k) a simple one line dialog box is put up where the filename can be typed in. I don't see a reason why a full Save As dialog would not be preferable; some programs override the standard dialog with a full Save As dialog.

It looks to me like the correct place to do this is in gdi/printdrv.c CreateSpoolFile(). So I have tried adding the attached patch to the function to play with, adding comdlg32 to the libraries in the makefile. But the call to GetSaveFileNameW(&ofn) crashes. I guess the first question is whether it is ok to call that from printdrv. And if so, is there an example of how to do it correctly?

Index: dlls/gdi/printdrv.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/gdi/printdrv.c,v
retrieving revision 1.47
diff -u -p -r1.47 printdrv.c
--- dlls/gdi/printdrv.c	23 May 2006 12:47:58 -0000	1.47
+++ dlls/gdi/printdrv.c	16 Jul 2006 22:43:03 -0000
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
 #include "wine/debug.h"
 #include "gdi.h"
 #include "gdi_private.h"
+#include <commdlg.h>
@@ -470,6 +471,26 @@ static int CreateSpoolFile(LPCSTR pszOut
     if (!psCmd[0] && !strncmp("LPR:",pszOutput,4))
         sprintf(psCmd,"|lpr -P%s",pszOutput+4);
+    else if (!psCmd[0] && !strncmp("FILE:",pszOutput,5)) {
+        OPENFILENAMEW ofn;
+        WCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH];
+        WCHAR szDir[MAX_PATH];
+        static const WCHAR ps_files[] = { '*','.','p','s',0 };
+        ZeroMemory(&ofn, sizeof(ofn));
+        GetCurrentDirectoryW(sizeof(szDir)/ sizeof(*szDir), szDir);
+        lstrcpyW(szFile, ps_files);
+        ofn.lStructSize     = sizeof(OPENFILENAMEW);
+        ofn.lpstrFile       = szFile;
+        ofn.nMaxFile        = sizeof(szFile)/ sizeof(*szFile);
+        ofn.lpstrInitialDir = szDir;
+        ofn.Flags           = OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT;
+        if (GetSaveFileNameW(&ofn)) {
+            WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szFile, -1, psCmd, 1024, NULL, NULL);
+            TRACE("Save to filename %s\n", psCmd);
+        }
+    }
     TRACE("Got printerSpoolCommand '%s' for output device '%s'\n",
 	  psCmd, pszOutput);

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