
I've recently tried to play Heroes of Might and Magic IV under Wine,
which has very poor performance and this message it printed out many,
many times after the game is started:

fixme:bitblt:X11DRV_BitBlt potential optimization - client-side DIB

After doing some digging it appears the problem is the current DIB
engine or lack thereof (the DIBEngine page on the Wine wiki and the
bugzilla bug it links to are very useful).  From what I can tell this
has been a known shortcoming in Wine for at least 4.5 - 5 years, with a
few partial patches created three or four years ago.  Is (or has) there
any recent (less than a year old) work being done on creating a more
efficient DIB engine for Wine?  If not, has anyone looked into using a
library like EVAS or Cairo as a foundation for implementing it?

Before anyone asks, yes I'm a newbie in terms of hacking on Wine or
working with device independent bitmaps under Windows, and yes I am
volunteering to help work on an improved DIB engine.  :)


P.S.  I've run other games such as Diablo II and Total Annihilation
(including more recently being able to use TA: Mutation) under Wine and
they work beautifully.  Keep up the good work!

Jen: Wings? I don't have wings!
Kira: Of course not. You're a boy.

 - from "The Dark Crystal"

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